Make sure you know the following information about the Mirror and The Times.
Tabloid or broadsheet
Explain the differences between these terms and how it links to different audiences.
Ownership :
Who owns both newspapers ? An individual or a corporation ? Do they own anything else ? What does Curran and Seaton's theory of power and media say are the risks of some media ownership structures ? Use the media theory resource here and the theory page on the blog to find it.
Political bias What are both newspapers' political bias ? Left or right wing ?
What does that mean ? How might this affect the content on issues like immigration or Brexit ?
To have a deeper understanding of newspaper we must have some knowledge of the British Political System, specifically English political parties. The political allegiance each paper has will impact what and how they report to their target audience.
Left-wing refers to a type of political position where people who hold these views support social equality whilst opposing forms of social hierarchy and inequality. They are assumed to be concerned about the disadvantaged in society, seeking to reduce or abolish any unjustified inequalities.
Someone with right-wing politics would have a political position that views social inequality or social divide as natural, normal, inevitable or even desirable. They will typically defend this political position on the basis of tradition, natural law or economics. Therefore, people with right-wing politics view society having hierarchies and the inequalities that result as being the natural outcome of traditional social differences or the result of competition in market economies.