Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Induction Extended written task

 You need to complete a written report as part of induction  as a chance to demonstrate your specific areas of  interest in the media and to introduce you to some of the key concepts you will study.

( 800 words minimum) 


Explore how gender and/or ethnicity   is represented  in at least three specific  examples from  the media ( TV, film, magazines , music videos , games, , film, advertising etc) .

You should look at how the media texts reinforce or challenge positive or negative stereotypes about men and/or women  and how this connects with the genre, purpose ( to entertain , inform , sell a product etc.)  and narrative ( story ) of the media text.

What type of product are you analysing?
Who is the target audience ? How can you tell?
Who is being represented and how ?

You should try and use examples of  technical codes ( e.g  camera angles, use of colour , sounds, props, costume , facial expression etc. ) to support your points 


Upload and publish your report on your college blog