Individually or in pairs create a concept and a title for two new films ( one a mainstream film and one an independent film.
You will the be creating marketing campaigns for both films , domonstrating your understanding of how different types and genres of film try to appeal to their different target audiences and maximise their distribution to increase their potential financial success
Original film concept ( 1 mainstream film and 1 independent film)
Summary of film narrative
Stars /actors
Producer / producers (e.g Disney, Paramount, small production company)
Production and marketing budget ( research how much the budgets are for similar films )
Create a marketing campaign for both of your original films, demonstrating your understanding of the range of techniques used to sell both mainstream and independent films of different genres to their different audiences. Consider issues such as genre conventions, stars, links to existing franchise, reviews, tagline, choice of images , colour and layout
This should include
1 Film poster
2 Draft teaser trailer ( or storyboard for teaser trailer )
3 other marketing ideas e.g social media, sports events , celebrity endorsement, interviews, use of other media